You might be seeing an increased demand for clarity around female health, as female reproductive health dysfunction is more widely recognised. Blood testing of hormones can be useful in revealing what is happening both at the endocrine and reproductive level, but what factors are influencing hormone synthesis, receptors and metabolism?

Understanding the bigger picture, the full picture of function, aids you as a clinician in understanding the root cause of imbalance. That’s why every FunctionalDX Femme health test reviews the functional status of stress resilience, sugar and lipid management, chronic inflammation, detoxification, immune function, mitochondrial function, hormone balance and nutritional status.

For support in optimising functional testing with female clients who are on contraception, check out this blog post.

You already know that health is not achieved by focusing on one part of the whole and as such our reports are created with this in mind, considering the 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, 7 macronutrient systems, 14 micronutrient deficiencies, and over 40 possible clinical dysfunctions. Helping you to identify any current underlying issues as well as prevention of health deterioration.

FDX Femme tests – Inspect, Ultra, Fertility and Reset – contain over 90 biomarkers, including a variety of endocrine sex hormones, which include, as a minimum:

  • Estradiol E2
  • Progesterone
  • LH
  • FSH
  • SHBG
  • Testosterone Total
  • DHEA-S

Plus, the Femme Ultra and Femme Fertility include:

  • Parathyroid
  • Prolactin
  • Cortisol Serum-am

We also offer a female hormone profile which includes Estradiol E2, FSH, LH, Progesterone, Prolactin, SHBG and Testosterone Total as an add-on to other test panels for ultimate flexibility when reviewing female client health.

Top tips and common questions about testing and blood draws for menstruating clients

What are the best dates of the cycle for a blood draw?

Our blood science algorithm reports on optimal status, with accuracy best achieved during a mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At this stage we would typically expect to see the peak of Progesterone and rises in Oestrogen. The mid-Luteal phase is days 21-23 of a 28 day cycle. You will need to calculate accordingly if your client’s cycles are shorter or longer.

What if my client’s cycle is erratic?

If your client has been tracking their cycle for some time you can use this data as a best estimate of their mid-luteal phase.

If their periods have begun to change in the last few menstrual cycles, we suggest going by their typical pattern to estimate the mid-luteal phase.

I have calculated my client’s mid-luteal phase and this falls on a Friday or over the weekend. Which day is best for blood draw?

If your clients’ blood draw date falls on a Friday, you can use a next day special delivery to return to the lab on a Saturday morning. However, this is not always guaranteed. If the return sample does not get to the lab, you will need to pay for a new blood test kit and a redo of the blood draw. FunctionalDX are not responsible for Royal Mail or courier returns to the lab.

It would be day 26/27 before my client can take the test. How important is it that she does test on day 21?

For optimal female hormone testing we do advise that a blood test taken during the mid-luteal phase is best due to the peaking of progesterone and rises in oestrogen, and this activity should be reflected within the results. We would suggest that you wait until the next cycle to take the bloods.

If your clients’ blood draw would be best on a Saturday and Sunday?

Review their cycle length and decide if a Friday draw with next day special delivery would be best, or a Monday blood draw. Aiming for a blood draw on day 21-23, means one day should fall on a weekday. We will support you when reviewing the test results if the blood draw date hasn’t been the ideal date.

If you have any questions on cycle calculation and sample return, please email us.

What is the difference between blood biomarkers and urine metabolite testing for sex hormones?

Our hormones are chemical messengers which co-ordinate specific actions upon the body. They are released as a feedback response to need, monitored carefully by our master endocrine glands and receptors. Hormone receptors are found on almost every cell in the body. Hence why we see apparent changes to body function and overall health with variations in hormone levels, in absence or excess.

Blood tests typically read circulating serum blood levels of sex hormones, identifying the free and bound portion of an active hormone. Their activity is influenced by the ability to connect with receptors, their production induced by intake of nutrient building blocks and co-factors, and dependant on the assimilation of these nutrients from digestion into hormone production. The relationship of synthesis is not isolated to the health of endocrine glands but to that of all organs in the body, to correctly work in synchronicity for optimal creation, maintenance, and excretion.

Dried urine hormone testing looks at the metabolic synthesis and excretion pathways of sex hormones, reviewing the process back upstream to manufacture. The pathways reviewed identify areas where processing can incur carcinogenic metabolites and thus inform therapeutic areas / needs to be addressed. Urine based testing reviews metabolites which are not available within bloods or saliva.

A FunctionalDX femme test does not review a hormone blood marker in isolation, it provides a whole-body assessment for body function. Offering practical insights into the relationships of metabolic function that dictate hormone levels.

FunctionalDX specialist female health panels are the ultimate tool for the modern healthcare practitioner looking for a comprehensive review of a female client’s vitality and health.

Our Femme Panels review more than just the blood status of hormones. They consider the delicate interplay between body systems, providing you with a total body review when considering female health complaints including hormonal dysfunction.

Take a look at the wealth of health information available with FDX Femme panels

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