FDX Signature
Our FDX Signature tests present a variety of excellent options to comprehensively assess a client’s general health and well-being. We believe that the different options present you with the perfect opportunity to suit a client’s budgetary requirements.
Over the past 5 years, FunctionalDX has offered unique and specialised health reporting and testing through 3 blood testing panels:
• FDX Check
• FDX Inspect
• FDX Ultra
Being the original tests, we have included them all under the FDX Signature tests banner. All FDX panels offer the same style of reporting; easy to read, excellent and clear graphics, and details underlying information with clear rationale presented.
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FDX Check is the entry-level panel and report, with over 70 biomarkers being assessed giving great value for money assessment and report, and on its own is one of the largest panels offered in the UK.
FDX Inspect is the mid-range signature test which like the other is representative of a general level of assessment with no assessment of hormonal status. FDX Inspect identifies the status of over 80 biomarkers excluding hormones including homocysteine, and fasting insulin.
FDX Ultra identifies over 90 biomarker status including male and female hormones, comprehensive details sugar, and thyroid panels. This is a very comprehensive detailed test that provides the backbone for the majority of the new FDX range to which specialist markers have been added depending on the category.
Consideration of when to use the test, will depend on the status of the budget, and, as with all FDX reporting, the ability to identify the health status of 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, macronutrient status, 14 nutrient deficiencies, and in the case of professional reporting over 40 possible clinical issues.
We recommend that for specific health needs i.e. assessment of Cardiovascular, Thyroid health, Brain and Cognition or gender-specific requirements; to use our newly evolved additional range of 15 specialist panels designed to cater to specific health and lifestyle needs. Discover more on these within our additional categories.