Man Health
Male health is becoming more dysfunctional than ever before. Globally, male health outcomes are worse than females.
So not only is there an obvious gender gap in life expectancy, where females in the UK on average outlive males by 5 years, we are now experiencing a gender gap with health outcomes. Never has it been more imperative to take action to manage and achieve your optimum health.
According to a report compiled by Men’s Health Forum in 2014 and revised in 2017, 19% of men die before their 65th birthday. The biggest cause of death being cancer, closely followed by circulatory diseases.
One of the key factors in male dysfunctional health is their lack of acknowledgment or ability to recognise signs of ill health. Not only are males less likely to visit their GP, but they are also less likely to take time off work for health-related conditions. At current, 191,000 men per anum report being affected by stress, depression, or anxiety. This reluctance to seek medical advice then further increases the chances of developing a chronic disorder or disease, which will likely go undiagnosed and untreated, likely leading to further complications and onset of mental health issues.
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In the UK, there are now 15 million people living with at least one chronic disease, 42% of which are co-morbid. Though chronic diseases and disorders are common to both genders, research has shown they can affect the genders differently. As health clinicians, we know that many of the major health risks that men face can be prevented or slowed with identification and the right lifestyle changes.
Men also have their unique health concerns to consider – prostate health – especially with the risk of prostate problems increasing with age. Though these problems are very common, around one in three men have symptoms at some time, prostate conditions have different causes and presentations. Another reason why the key to beating prostate conditions is early identification.
These facts increase the importance and necessity to make use of our specially devised panels for Male health. At FDX, we believe in building a healthier future, by providing you with the best tools for identification and prevention. Enabling you to take action to manage and achieve your optimum health.
Our male panels are an essential tool for the modern healthcare practitioner looking for a comprehensive review of a male client’s vitality and health that includes sexual health markers.
To create these panels, we have used principal biomarkers from our best-selling Signature Inspect and Ultra tests and added key biomarkers for those looking to include additional endocrine, sex hormone, and cardiovascular profiles to their client investigations.
Our FDX panels have been created to look further than the norm (traditional blood analysis) to reveal more about your client’s health picture and to identify areas to focus on an effective treatment plan.
FunctionalDX uses the world’s most advanced blood interpretation technology considers 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, 7 macronutrient systems, 14 micronutrient deficiencies, and over 40 possible clinical dysfunctions.