Age Well > Brain Check Ultra
FDX 350 Brain Check Ultra
Total Biomarkers: 71
Looking after cognitive health has never been so important. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are almost a million people with dementia in the UK with projected figures estimating the total will rise to 1.6 million by 2040. While Alzheimer's disease is incompletely defined, studies have implicated metabolic abnormalities such as insulin resistance, hormonal deficiencies, and hyper-homocysteinemia as potential contributing factors, and Dr Bredesen’s work argues that optimising metabolic parameters has yielded cognitive improvement in both symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals.
Bredesen’s research suggests that Alzheimer’s disease results from an imbalance in the brain’s neuroplasticity signalling thanks to a series of negative assaults on the body that lead to a downsizing of the brain’s ability and a subsequent cognitive decline.
Bredesen has identified 36 factors including metabolic derangement, poor nutrient status, and exposure to viruses that can trigger “downsizing” in the brain and the protocol employs a number of techniques to address those factors including a ketogenic-style Mediterranean diet, brain training, blood tests and a personalised supplementation regime.
At FunctionalDX we have compiled Brain Check Ultra which reviews the key biomarkers that are identified by Bredesen to have the most influence on neurological function.
They consider the five key areas;
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- Insulin resistance
- Inflammation and infections
- Hormone, nutrient, and trophic factor optimisation
- Toxins: chemical, biological, and physical
- Restoration and protection of lost synapses
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In a recent study, co-authored by Bredesen, alongside functional medicine doctors including Kat Toups, Ann Hathaway and Deborah Gordon, was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease earlier this summer. It describes a proof-of-concept trial ahead of a larger randomised controlled clinical trial and assesses the effect of a multi-faceted nutrition and lifestyle approach on 25 patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairment. The authors concluded that all saw improvement at the end of the trial.
Suitable For
- Those experiencing cognitive decline looking to investigate underlying issues.
- Those looking for a comprehensive review of their cognitive health taking into consideration the latest Bredesen’s research
- Those concerned or wanting to know more about their health outlook, looking to identify potential areas for cognitive decline risk.
- Those interested in ageing well and looking to future proof their health and wellbeing / reduce the ageing process on their cognitive performance
- Those with conditions or symptoms that suggest concerns to cognitive function such as Cardiovascular Disease, high blood pressure, Diabetes, metabolic conditions, memory changes, cognitive changes
- Those with family history of ageing and degenerative cognitive conditions