Practitioner Registration

What qualifications are required to register as a practitioner?

We accept the following higher level certifications;

  • BSc / MA Human Sciences, Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Naturopathy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy
  • Registered GP
  • Diploma Nutritional Therapy (CNM)
  • IFM / SAFM accreditation

If you are unsure if your qualification will be accepted, please email

I’ve registered, what happens now?

  • After registering, you account will be assessed by our team.
  • Please allow 24-48 hours for confirmation of your account.
  • Once your application has been accepted you will received an email to confirm your account.
  • You will have access to the facilities of the FunctionalDX site including the practitioner hub information and are able to place orders.


I am a student practitioner, can I register with you?

  • We welcome student practitioners to join FunctionalDX, you can complete the registration form and submit your proof of study.
  • Please note that as a student you are only allowed to purchase tests for personal use.
  • Please make yourself familiar with the student terms and conditions on registration.
  • If you have any questions about our student account please contact:
  • As a student you are also able to access our educational platform FDeXucate.

What's Included With My Test

What’s included within the test price?

  • An FDX blood draw kit:Professional: Kit for centrifuge
  • Essential: Kit for non-centrifuge
  • Index: Kit for at home finger prick test
  • Please request a test kit unless a client is using a clinic that holds a stock of FDX kits.


  • Any costs for drawing the blood centrifuging are NOT included in the price (see below) carried out and any problems that may arise.
  • Includes the cost of your client’s sample analysis
  • Includes FDX support network, education and community hub.
  • FDX Professional tests include;

Professional report

  • Client report
  • Option to add post results upgrades and add-ons via the practitioner account
  • Option to compare other Professional reports
  • Support calls are 60 mins for the first test, 40mins for the second test and 20 mins thereafter

FDX Essential tests include;

  • One report for both practitioner and client. This is a lighter version of the full FDX Professional report that uses our functional ranges and comprehensive analysis.
  • Essential reports can be compared with another Essential report, to track client and protocol progression. We do not compare past FDX Professional tests with an FDX Essential test. However, we can offer this service for an additional administration fee.
  • Selected add-ons are available for the Femme and Man Essential products.
  • You cannot add on any post-test add-on or upgrades after the test has been run.
  • Support calls are 30 mins for the first Essential test and 15 mins thereafter, additional interpretation time can be purchased.

FDX Index tests include;

  • One report for practitioner and client
  • You cannot add on any post-test add-on or upgrades after the test has been run.
  • Support calls are 20 mins (if required).


What are the suggested retail prices for clients?

  • FDX is a practitioner to practitioner only site and as such we do not have Retail Prices.
  • We believe the choice of what clients pay is entirely down to the professional and we do not interfere with your business mode

How do I select the correct test for my client?

We have three ranges of tests suitable for all client concerns and budgets.

FDX Professional

FDX Professional is our extensive range of comprehensive blood test assessments with up to 110 biomarkers. This range offers the ultimate in health investigations; with a variety of panels designed for specific clinical applications and investigations including Thyroid Health, Female and Male Health, Fertility, Weight, Cardiovascular Health, Brain and Cognitive Function, Stress, Ageing and Sports Performance. FDX Professional reporting provides assessment of 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, 14 macronutrient requirements, 14+ nutrient assessments and over 40 potential clinical dysfunctions. This is the most advanced blood testing on the market.

FDX Essential

FunctionalDX Essential range brings you a lighter version of our renowned broad spectrum biomarker panels without the need for centrifuging. Designed for clients with smaller budgets or without access to centrifuge. These panels are created from handpicked biomarkers which are more stable during transportation back to our laboratories. The Essentials range offers a basic overview to begin clinical investigations. The range provides panels for thyroid health, female or male health and hormone investigations. These entry level panels provide our FunctionalDX cutting edge reporting and analysis using up to 74 key clinically relevant biomarkers. Each panel also contains an assessment of sugar management, lipids, inflammation, kidney and liver function, baseline vitamin and mineral needs.

FDX Index

FDX Index finger prick tests are formulated to provide smaller interim assessments on specific biomarker status during the programme of a clinical therapeutic plan. Enabling you to track client progress and gain insights between full FunctionalDX blood panels without the need and additional expense of a full blood draw with centrifuge.

You can compare tests and their biomarkers using our handy tool here.

We also have an infographic to help you select the best FDX test for your clinical investigations, you can find this here.

Additional Biomarkers and Bespoke Panels

I have my test, but I want to add a specific marker that is not included in the test. How do I do this?

This functionality and flexibility is possible with our Professional range of tests. Once the test panel is chosen you will be able to choose from a variety of add ons that are available for that test. Choose the one you want and add it to the shopping cart and proceed to the checkout.

I do NOT require a panel, is it possible for me to select a few biomarkers?

Yes, it is possible, you will need to do the following;

  • Add a Bespoke test kit to the cart
  • Once that is done the add–on choices are unlocked
  • Choose from the add on panels you want
  • Pay at the checkout
  • Find your phlebotomist to draw your blood as usual
  • This is a centrifuged panel.


Can my clients order directly from you?

  • No. We only deal directly with health care professionals, all orders are placed through them.
  • We do have an option where your client can pay directly. This is dealt with at the concluding part of the ordering process. Please note, that if you choose this option, your patient will be paying the practitioner price.
  • If the option for CLIENT TO PAY is chosen, then a unique URL will be generated. This will be sent to the client, but we recommend that you make a copy of the URL and send that to your client. This enables you to track that they are going to carry out the test and make payment.
  • Client to pay orders MUST be paid within 30 days from the date of order. Any orders still unprocessed after 30 days will be cleared from the FDX cache without further notification, and the patient to pay unique URL will be deleted. If the test is still required it will be necessary to redo the order.
  • Once you have placed the order, you will receive an invoice and a copy of the Patient Request Form. Clients will be sent a copy of the Patient Request Form, but we strongly urge you to also send them a copy, as it is possible for emails to be sent to spam at the client end.
  • If the client pays (see above) they will receive a receipt of payment and a Patient Request Form.

What information do I need to provide?

  • Client’s full name – this must be the same name to be used on the blood tube
  • Client’s date of birth
  • Client’s gender
  • Client’s address
  • Client’s email

How do I get a kit?

Option 1:

  • When supplying the client’s details, you will be asked if your client needs a kit to be sent to them.
  • Answer yes, then a kit will be sent by first class post to the provided address. If you answer no to a kit, it will not be sent.
  • If the address provided is incorrect, then we will require you to purchase another kit or reclaim the kit sent to the wrong address.
  • Replacement kits are charged at £25.00
  • Please note that there is a charge for lost kits.

Option 2:

  • If your client is going to a clinic that holds a stock of our kits, please do not order a kit to be sent. Otherwise, we will raise a charge for the extra kit or expect the extra kit to be returned to us unopened.
  • Please note that rectifying any of the above issues will hold up the blood analysis process.

Test Kit Dispatch

How quickly will my kit be dispatched from order?

Once payment has completed on your order your test kit will be dispatched at the following times;

Monday – Thursday: Tests completed before 3pm will be posted the same day

Friday: Tests completed before 12pm will be posted the same day.

Any tests completed outside of these times will be posted the next working day.

All tests are dispatched within Royal Mail standard delivery (please allow 3-5days for delivery). FunctionalDX do not accept any responsibility for delay or losses within the postal system.

We provide an option at checkout for next day delivery if you require a test kit sooner.

FDX Testing Questions

My client/s are on medications, how will that affect the report? Should I stop these?

Do not stop medications. These are the province of their medical health care professional and any discontinuance should only be done with their permission and under their instruction.

  • The results will indicate if the medication is working at the appropriate levels which would not be apparent if the medications are stopped.
  • Women who have been on contraception: As the effects of these devices and pills take time to be eliminated for the body when discontinued, we recommend testing 6 weeks after the date of discontinuance.

Should my clients stop supplementation before taking the test?

  • Yes your clients should stop all supplementation for a minimum of 24-48hours prior to the test.

When is the best time of day to be tested?

  • As the test is fasting and 12 hours will have elapsed it is sensible to see a test carried out early morning.
  • In the case of testing with reporting on hormones; due to the circadian rhythms involved we recommend early morning fasting tests i.e. 9 to 10 am if possible.

I want to assess female hormone levels, when should my client be tested?

  • For menstruating females, we recommend that testing be carried out on day 21 of their cycle, if possible.

I want to assess female fertility levels, when should my client be tested?

  • For female fertility panels, test on day 3 of their cycle and a further finger prick assessment is provided for day 21 of their cycle

I want to test children or a client under 18, can I do this?

  • Yes, this is possible, if this is required please speak to the team via to discuss the requirements and results pertaining to minors

Testing female hormones

What are the best dates of the cycle for a blood draw?

Our blood science algorithm reports on optimal status, with accuracy best achieved during a mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At this stage we would typically expect to see the peak of Progesterone and rises in Oestrogen. The mid-Luteal phase is days 21-23 of a 28 day cycle. You will need to calculate accordingly if your client’s cycles are shorter or longer.

What if my client’s cycle is erratic?

If your client has been tracking their cycle for some time you can use this data as a best estimate of their mid-luteal phase.

If their periods have begun to change in the last few menstrual cycles, we suggest going by their typical pattern to estimate the mid-luteal phase.

I have calculated my client’s mid-luteal phase and this falls on a Friday or over the weekend. Which day is best for blood draw?

If your clients’ blood draw date falls on a Friday, you can use a next day special delivery to return to the lab on a Saturday morning. However, this is not always guaranteed. If the return sample does not get to the lab, you will need to pay for a new blood test kit and a redo of the blood draw. FunctionalDX are not responsible for Royal Mail or courier returns to the lab.

It would be day 26/27 before my client can take the test. How important is it that she does test on day 21?

For optimal female hormone testing we do advise that a blood test taken during the mid-luteal phase is best due to the peaking of progesterone and rises in oestrogen, and this activity should be reflected within the results. We would suggest that you wait until the next cycle to take the bloods.

If your clients’ blood draw would be best on a Saturday and Sunday?

Review their cycle length and decide if a Friday draw with next day special delivery would be best, or a Monday blood draw. Aiming for a blood draw on day 21-23, means one day should fall on a weekday. We will support you when reviewing the test results if the blood draw date hasn’t been the ideal date.

What are the best dates of the cycle for a blood draw when a client is taking contraception? 

Our blood science algorithm reports on optimal status, with accuracy best achieved during a mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. At this stage we would typically expect to see the peak of Progesterone and rises in Oestrogen. The mid-Luteal phase is days 21-23 of a 28 day cycle. You will need to calculate accordingly if your client’s cycles are shorter or longer.

When a client is on contraception you can test on any day of the cycle but take into account that the algorithm will calculate for an optimal mid-luteal phase. A contraceptive period is not the same as a regular period, and there for you will need to take this into account when interpreting the result.

Fertility testing

For fertility, please undertake the test on day 3.

If you purchase an FDX Femme Fertility test, you will also be sent a finger prick test for day 21 progesterone levels. Again, please calculate the days in line with your clients cycle.

My client is peri-menopausal, when should they take the test?

We recommend calculating for a mid-luteal draw, days 21-23 of a 28 day cycle and calculate accordingly, even if their cycles have started to change or become more erratic.

My client is post menopausal, when should they test?

Post menopausal women can take an FDX test on any day.

We also have two useful blogs on testing female hormones.

Drawing Blood Samples

  • Your client can choose from a range of blood draw location here or from the blood draw locator section on the site.
  • Unless stated otherwise we recommend the protocol for an FDX blood draw as follows
    • If ordering a full FDX panel, then we recommend a fasting test (12 hours)
    • Water must be drunk, or results will be skewed. Fasting does NOT mean no water
    • No supplements unless otherwise ordered by you or the clients medical professional for 24 to 48 hours beforehand.
    • Medications should not be stopped unless health care provider instructions say otherwise.
    • Full client and phlebotomist instructions can be found here. Copies are included with the kit please ensure they are followed by both parties.
      • FDX does not take responsibility for any errors or misconceptions
    • FDX Professional and Essential tests require a blood draw using venipuncture through qualified phlebotomists or venipuncturist.
    • The cost of the draw and centrifuge (professional test only) is payable directly to the draw centre and is not included in the cost of the FDX report and panel.
    • Blood should be drawn, and tubes filled in a specific order (see the phlebotomy instructions).
    • Blood volume drawn is around 40mls
    • Professional tests require a centrifuge (see instructions), for more information on centrifuging see here
    • On completion of the test it is essential for the Patient Request Form to be returned in the completed blood draw kit. Failure to return this will cause £30 admin fee to be levied.
    • If the blood draw centre has no prior arrangements in place with FunctionalDX for courier collection then the completed kit must be closed and labelled as per the instruction included (also see here) and taken to a post office for return using the enclosed label.
    • It is the responsibility of the returning party to ensure the opening hours and facilities of their post office.
      • FDX takes no responsibility for courier delays or issues and any consequential loss.
    • Should the client wish to be covered against such instances that cause the draw to be invalidated then we advise they purchase a special delivery by 9am or by 12pm delivery the next day and they can ensure they are covered for any losses directly with the post office

What if I can’t get to the blood draw centre can I get a blood draw at home or in my office?

  • Yes, if you arrange for a mobile phlebotomist to carry this out. The blood draw finder on the website here will give some mobile operators but the same principles and terms apply as with the clinic as stated above.
  • FunctionalDX insists that all samples are returned are from FunctionalDX kits. Without written permission we will not process any samples that arrive in any other box.

When am I able to draw my blood?

  • Monday through Thursday only. Sending blood on a Friday will invalidate the sample and the process will need repeating a new kit will need to be purchased.
  • Bloods must be returned to FunctionalDX the same day of draw.
  • Restrictions will apply where the last working day of the week is a national holiday in the UK or Ireland.

Finger prick testing and FunctionalDX

  • FunctionalDX Professional and Essential tests report on large numbers of biomarkers – from 65 to over 120 markers. The volume of blood needed for this cannot be collected by finger prick testing.
  • Professional test blood samples need to be stable so centrifugation is essential in all cases unless otherwise confirmed by us in writing, as some samples are sensitive to degradation, this can’t be done with finger prick collection.
  • Venepuncture is the drawing of blood through the veins is still the gold standard for reliability and accuracy and is our first choice.
  • For very small assessment samples i.e. follow-ons FDX can offer a finger prick test kit FDX INDEX.

Returning Samples

How do we return samples?

  • If your collection centre has an arrangement with FunctionalDX for a courier service, then leave the bloods and Patient Request Form with them and they will deal with these.
  • If no arrangement exists, then all samples need to be returned to FunctionalDX via Royal Mail 1pm special delivery service using the addressed postal box. As stated above FunctionalDX accepts no responsibility for sample stability, late delays or any other circumstance that causes the bloods on arrival at the lab to be classed as void.
  • Should clients wish to ensure they are covered for consequential loss for the Royal Mail or designated courier / carrier service they are advised to purchase their own insurance and consequential loss protection with their Royal Mail Next Day by 1pm delivery.
  • In all cases samples must be returned on the day they are drawn


What is the turnaround time for results?

  • For FDX Professional tests we expect to be able to return test results within 15 working days.  Please do not chase results before 15 working days.
  • For FDX Essential tests we expect to be able to return test results within 10 working days.  Please do not chase results before 10 working days.
  • For FDX Index tests we expect to be able to return test results within 5 working days.  Please do not chase results before 5 working days.
  • When your results are ready, you will be sent a message through the secure mail system advising you the results are ready for downloading and viewing.
  • The secure mail system is your personal portal and you will open the portal with unique ID and codes.

Test Interpretation Support

Is practitioner support available once I have the results back?

  • We always endeavour to educate and assist our professionals
  • In the early stages of their FDX journey, we provide detailed and comprehensive analysis and support. Thereafter, we offer a 15-minute consultation slot if required at no cost. We strongly advise that questions are prepared so they can be covered during the support session
  • If further assistance is required or a more detailed mentoring session, then we offer assistance on a paid basis at the rate of £25 plus vat if applicable per 15 minutes block booked.
  • You can book support sessions via your practitioner account.

FDX Professional tests support calls are 60 mins for the first test, 40mins for the second test and 20 mins thereafter.

FDX Essential tests support calls are 30 mins for first Essential test and 15 mins thereafter, additional interpretation time can be purchased.

FDX Index tests include a support calls are 20 mins (if required).

What else do you do to educate and support practitioners?

  • We will be running live webinars and also training events for all health professionals. Please check your email or our website for notices.
  • We have an extensive library of videos of past webinars, blogs by the FunctionalDX Clinical Team and guest presenters.
  • For those who have completed an FunctionalDX report they can access to the level of the FDeXucate education site to access the information contained concerning blood chemistry and FDX testing.
  • We also offer further in-depth detailed modules on subject related blood chemistry and health as well as a mentoring service covering all aspects of practitioner/client health.

Other support for practitioners

I want to publish information to help me sell on my website can you help and what service can you offer?

  • We have sample snapshots of the report, FDX logo, written information and more available. Please write to to obtain more information or book a call with our support team to help and advise you.

Time Constraints and Test Expiry

How long does my client have before the test is considered null and void?

  • You have 90 days from the date of order to complete the test otherwise we deem it to be void and it will need to be reordered. See below for refund policies. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Cancellations and Refunds

What is your cancellation policy?

  • If you need to cancel an order FunctionalDX provide refunds on the following basis;
    1. The kit box is returned to us in an unused and re-saleable state and in an outer covering (plastic or envelope).
    2. When the kit is returned, we will refund the cost of the test to you or if your client has paid then it will be to them
    3. If the kit is damaged or unusable then we will levy an admin fee of £30 to be deducted from the refund
  • We offer a full refund if cancellation is received within 45 days of the order of the test
  • We offer a 50% refund if the cancellation is received within 70 days
  • We offer 30% refund if the cancellation is received within 90 days.
  • After 90 days we will not make any refunds.

Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

Interpretation Of Own Blood results

Can I provide my own blood results for interpretation?

  • Yes
  • For practitioners whose clients come to them with test results generated from the NHS or other health external laboratory, FunctionalDX offers a report and interpretation service so that hidden health trends can still be established.
  • We have a set fee for a report using your own blood results which is detailed in our price list. The fee is per test panel provided.
  • When submitting your own test results, our system required that they must be submitted as a scanned PDF document. Photographs will be rejected.
  • Please send all own reports to and quote the order number and client name.

Can I supply several blood panels to compare trends?

  • Yes.
  • We have the facility to enter other data sets so that comparisons can be seen on the reports so that your client’s trends can be established.
  • We can enter up to 5 previous tests for comparison purposes. Price on application depends on nature of test panels

Overseas Clients

I have clients outside of the UK, can I order FDX test reports for them?

  • Yes, we can help with arranging kits to be sent abroad and facilitate the return of the kits. However, some countries do not allow the transport of biological specimens, if you have any concerns please contact
  • Sending kits outside the UK will incur an extra shipping and admin fee. Please note that international courier fees vary from country to country, so this is an on-request service. For more information, please contact
  • The same FunctionalDX rules still apply to overseas clients as if they were in the UK.
  • If your clients can facilitate their own test abroad, we can take the data and process this under the order of our own report section. We require a PDF of the test results in English. If the PDF needs translating, this will incur an additional fee.