Thyroid Inspect Upgrade

The thyroid gland’s hormone function has a significant impact on overall health. Multiple diseases and disorders can be associated with thyroid functionality and can develop at any age. Thyroid dysfunction could lead to a range of health conditions such as metabolic syndrome, heart disease, diabetes, hormonal, and sex hormone imbalances. As clinicians, we look to safeguard our clients’ health and wellbeing by monitoring optimal thyroid function and well as investigating whether the insufficiency in some of the thyroid markers may trigger further pathogenesis.
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Our best-selling Thyroid Panel, FDX INSPECT, is designed to reveal a complete picture of your current thyroid and health status.

Suitable For

  • Those who display multiple symptoms including those unrelated to thyroid symptoms
  • Those that show clinical signs of autoimmune disorders
  • Those with signs and symptoms including hair loss, tiredness, fatigue, weight gain, weight loss, and other thyroid-related symptoms

Test Instructions

Our FDX Thyroid Check panel has been created to look further than the norm (traditional blood analysis) to reveal more about your client’s health picture and to identify areas to focus an effective treatment plan. FunctionalDX uses the world’s most advanced blood interpretation technology considers 13 body systems, 7 accessory systems, 7 macronutrient systems, 14 micro-nutrient deficiencies and 40 clinical dysfunctions.

Testing guidelines:

Fasting blood draw required in the morning.


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